Welcome to our blog page. This blog will be updated regularly with information about BlackBerry's special features and the benefits included in a BlackBerry device, so that you can stay updated on the best features and benefits invloved with owning a BlackBerry smart phone. Enjoy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Media Applications

Hey Everyone!!!

Today I will be blogging about Blackberry's best Media apps such as the camera, video recording, voice recording, ring tones, the music holder and voice dialing.

The Camera app is the camera program that the Blackberry comes with which allows you to have a flash, zoom in and out, save the photos, delted them, send them, etc.

The video recording is a app with a video camera program which allows you do the same things as the camera program except this can record up to 8 minutes at a time and works at night and day because of the flash the Blackberry has and it also records voices.

Voice recording is a program which allows you to speak into your phone and record what is being said this is very beneficial to make self notes to yourself. I use it all the time, and never thought I would!

The music center app alows users to upload music from their computers, or transfer files from someone else and store the music in this program. The music center app allows users to organize the music by artist,song, etc. Or make playlists, and shuffle the music to a random song changer while listening to music.

Blackberry also has voice dialing which is a program set up into the device that allows the user to speak outloud and say the person's name which they want to call outloud and the phone picks up the voice and words being said and automatically calls that person for you. This application is beneficial when your hand 's are not free to dial the number yourself! I use it all the time and absolutley love it!!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey guys, just blogging about one of blackberry’s hottest features- blackberry app world.  As you already know, applications for all smart phones are huge right now!  The iPhone is known for its neat applications, but blackberry also has a source to download apps from, this source is known as Blackberry App World.
This is a very popular feature on the blackberry.  With blackberry app world you can download applications to your smart phone off the blackberry app world website.  Blackberry app world offers countless applications such as games, social networking, shopping, productivity, and much more.  Some of these applications are free and some must be purchased.  To download blackberry app world from your smartphone, visit www.blackberry.com/appworld/download on your blackberry to download the application.  The steps are simple and straight forward.
Hope you enjoyed the updated feature, I highly recommend it.  Have fun!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Social Networking Applications

Hey Everyone!

Im blogging about the social networking applications that blackberry has on each device such as twitter, facebook, my space, etc. As we all know social networks are huge right now. Its the biggest networking communication being used amungst people across the world. Blackberry devices come with applications on the phone that enable owners to set up their username and password and use the program straight from the Blackberry deivce.

When you purchase a Blackberry you can instantly set up Facebook, My Space, Twitter, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and Google talk with a simple clik of a button.

When you set up your social networking account to your Blackberry device you are able to recieve notifications, requests, messages etc through your phone.
These applications make it easier, convenient and beneficial for users because they can have their personal life in the palms of their hands without needing to use a labtop/home computer. Having these social networking programs running on your phone does not waste more battery then you are already using by your Blackberry deivce being on.

Hope you enjoyed my blog! and if you didn't know about being able to use these social networking accounts through your Blackberry I hope you are setting your accounts up now!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Email & Microsoft Programs Right from You Blackberry!

Hey guys! Just blogging to update you on some convenient features of blackberry, enjoy!

In case you didn’t already know, blackberry allows you to receive and send emails from up to 10 email supported accounts!  The set up is simple, first go into your menu and click set up, once you have done that you then select personal email setup, next you enter is your account name and password, and icon will then appear on your homepage.  This is probably one of the most convenient features of the blackberry.  You can now send a receive emails from and to your smart phone.  Another feature that blackberry offers is Microsoft word, Excel and PowerPoint spreadsheets.  You can locate these features in your menu under “applications.”  These are quick and convenient if you ever need to create a quick document.  You can also attach a document to your email that you have already created in your blackberry. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

BlackBerry's Top Benefical Application - Black Berry Messenger

Hey Everyone just wanted to update you on one of BlackBerry's top features--BlackBerry Messenger. Hope you enjoy.

One of BlackBerry's top features that is offered is an application called "BlackBerry Messenger". This is an application that allows all BlackBerry users to text message chat for free amungst BlackBerry friends. When you own a BlackBerry device you automatically recieve a BlackBerry pin which is like a membership pin code for your specific BlackBerry. With this pin you are able to give your pin to other blackBerry friends/users and add them to your BlackBerry Messenger friends list and chat amungst you peers for free world wide. BlackBerry messenger also includes a personal profile which includes a screen name, an option to update your status, set your options to avialable or busy so that friends know to chat or not too. It also has a option to show other BlackBerry friends what music you are cureently listening to and the time zone that you are currently in. The latest feature that BlackBerry Messenger has created is a scanning bar code which is a personal bar code for every idivisual BlackBerry device so that you can just scan your bar code with another BlackBerrry users to quickly add them to your Black Berry messenger without needing to type in eachother's pin codes.